
Drops of Wisdom

Firstly Post

Fusce pharetra elementum dolor vel ultrices. Nulla in arcu vel mauris consequat pulvinar. Aliquam sit amet vehicula elit. Maecenas auctor ligula eros, suscipit placerat libero scelerisque eu. Nullam pellentesque velit eu ex aliquam lobortis. Ut hendrerit feugiat ex at...

Third Post

Third Post

Fusce pharetra elementum dolor vel ultrices. Nulla in arcu vel mauris consequat pulvinar. Aliquam sit amet vehicula elit. Maecenas auctor ligula eros, suscipit placerat libero scelerisque eu. Nullam pellentesque velit eu ex aliquam lobortis. Ut hendrerit feugiat ex at...

Second Post

Second Post

Tuesday, February 12, 2019 Fusce pharetra elementum dolor vel ultrices. Nulla in arcu vel mauris consequat pulvinar. Aliquam sit amet vehicula elit. Maecenas auctor ligula eros, suscipit placerat libero scelerisque eu. Nullam pellentesque velit eu ex aliquam lobortis....


Questions or comments about this web site, general comments or questions, or to report polluting activities:

Battle Creek
Department of Public Works


All messages sent to us by e-mail will be read by Battle Creek Department of Public Works personnel, who will forward it to the proper person or organization.

The Battle Creek Area Clean Water Partnership is the City of Battle Creek; the City of Springfield; the Calhoun County Water Resources Commissioner; the Calhoun County Road Department, the townships of Bedford, Emmett, Leroy, Newton, and Pennfield, the Hart-Dole-Inouye Federal Center, Kellogg Community College, Battle Creek Area Schools and Lakeview Public Schools joining together with the common goal of protecting the waterways in our area.

Battle Creek Area Clean Water Partnership
Battle Creek Department of Public Works
